In His Sight II - Art Print


Prints on Paper & Canvas:

Processing time for prints on canvas is 7 to 10 business days and for prints on paper are 5 to 7 business days.

Print orders are shipped via FedEx Ground.

All sales are final unless your painting has been damaged during shipping. In case of damage during shipping, please email me within 48 hours of receiving your art.

Please do not reuse my images without expressed consent.


Paper prints are printed on archival paper.

Canvas – using high-quality Fredrix canvas, your canvas print will arrive stretched and ready to hang. Canvas prints are mirror wrapped (the image wraps around the edge of the canvas) and all canvas prints have 1.5” deep sides.

Prints are made to order, so please allow 5-7 business days for paper print production and 7-10 business days for canvas printing and stretching.

Once produced, prints are shipped via FedEx Ground.

All print orders ship free within the Continental US.